Harvey Lake & Area Residents (HLAR) requested a Part II Environmental Assessment which was declined by the Ministry of Environment. Not to be dissuaded, HLAR retained Senior Hydrogeologist, Dr. Reinhard Zapta to provide a hydrogeological review of the proponent's site plan. The review cited significant data gaps , while also stating the proposed quarry could potentially be BELOW the groundwater table.   None of these potentially hazardous gaps were identified by the MNRF or the MOE -- it is up to private citizens to protect Harvey Lake. 

As of early 2022, the MNRF has requested the proponent produce a full hydrogeology report of the proposed site. As we move forward, it is critical that we continue to oppose this large poorly planned quarry only 300 metres from families and cottages.  

As we continue our opposition, one of the toughest challenges is the lack of transparency in the process that is led by the proponent.  We have spent tens of thousands of dollars protecting the area and families around


Located approximated 7 km  north east of Dorset, Ontario, Harvey Lake in the beautiful Algonquin Highlands is about 20 km from Algonquin Park. Over 60 per cent of cottage owners on Harvey Lake are 2nd generation or longer, some are fourth generation and have been on the lake for over 60 years.
In early July of 2017, the nine property owners on Harvey Lake were given only seven days to respond to an application made to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for a 53-acre quarry on adjacent lands. The notice was NOT sent to hundreds of property owners on adjacent lakes, who will also be impacted by this quarry. The nine property owners on this pristine lake are thus facing a David & Goliath battle opposing the quarry.

The initial application requested an annual extraction limit of 285,000 tonnes of aggregate per year and a 53-acre mega quarry, which would permit noisy blasting, and crushing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Consultants reports submitted with the application estimate that at a volume of 100,000 tones per annum, there could be 10 truck loadings per hour - allowing for return trips traffic would be double that level. 

The Township Official Plan requires a separation of 1 km from waterfront for new aggregate operations and the Township has turned down a request to amend the zoning.  Imagine a quarry operation only 300 metres from cottages, families and the small lake. 

Stay in touch and show your support! 

Although the Applicant has indicated they will be reducing the annual production limit to 75,000 tonnes per year, by the calculations submitted with the report, this could still generate 15 deliveries and return trips per hour over cottage country roads.

The Applicant has also indicated that they intend more modest levels of operations, but has yet to explain why the massive tonnage and footprint are not future risks to resident of the Livingstone Lake and McClintock Road area.

A great deal of detail surrounding the application and objections raised are included on this site. We are certain that as you see further details, you will want to support our battle.


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